An angry driver has managed to fit 34 curse words into one single sentence
Gaynor BonkEye has been buying cushions every day for nearly twenty years.
I'd like to know how to replicate that 80's romantic look
Tina Tightarse applied the moisturiser on Saturday and hasn't been seen since.
'He had it coming for a long time,' said a police spokesperson
Too much happiness can leave you looking haggard and miserable
Sally Gumboots spent the entire day with a horrible pit-of-the-stomach feeling about going back to work the day after
John Smiley was found dead last night
Grumpy Fuckers Coffee Shop opened its door yesterday and was overwhelmed by demand
Freddy Fuckwit bought his second-hand car yesterday so that he could get to his new job so that he could pay for his second-hand car
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